god loves all (Remove filter)
A tryst with self
Ages ago, God got bored.
He may have wanted some thrill,
And he created what we call human beings today.
Centuries went by and God realised
He'd spoiled his creation with excessive liberty.
And to me it seems that the world we live in today,
May be the most spoilt edition of us.
The biggest gift God could give us-
-While he created the world; was conscience.
And that's...
Sunday 5th December 2021 1:10 pm
By Brian Hodgkinson Jr
"Good Morning, Daddy God
Help me focus on this new day.
Brush aside the cobwebs of confusion.
The world news is dismal as usual.
I am sure glad we humans are not in control.
We certainly know how to botch it all up.
Bring the inner focus back to what matters,
which is only YOU in the here and now.
Thank you for your unconditional love.
Thank you for your mercy.
Monday 22nd February 2021 4:10 pm
Look at the ocean
Tides and waves,
Hitting the shores,
Drenching the sand and the feet that stand on it.
With eyes on the blue infinitude,
And mind on clouds,
I look at the ocean.
A mirror holding the image of the sky above.
I realise how big the world is.
I am at peace,
Knowing that I am an infinitely small particle,
And a powerless being,
In front of Him.
I am just a bit of a being,
That arises ...
Saturday 13th February 2021 10:56 am
Broken Heart
What do you do when the person that once brought you love brings you nothing but pain.
What do you do when the person you gave your heart too took it and threw it away.
What do you do when your heart beats so fast it feels like it is coming out of your chest.
And the love you once had starts to change into tears and hate.
And that person that once brought you comfort and made you feel...
Friday 10th April 2020 6:43 pm
Let there be love!
There once was a man that said
he"d loved all his children no matter what.
And if that's so and if we choose to believe it
then why can't we accept they way others love
if he can?
Because quite frankly
everyone deserve to be loved.
And when being loved or loving one
it shouldn't matter about the fact
that a guy likes another guy
or the fact that a women
likes another women
because lo...
Friday 24th October 2014 10:12 pm
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