The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Our World Is Disappearing

Water is rising floods sent from hell, Corona virus too

Everybody pondering but there is nothing they can do

Global warming distroying our world it's not going to end

A disaster after another, no one know what is round the bend


Save the earth be mindful they tell us. Stop it getting worse

This can't be fixed by hand, or all the money in ones purse

How do you stop ice from me...

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Caronafloodsgodmother earth

The English Oak

The English Oak


     Fifty gallons a day he needs,

Fifty gallons of life’s richest blessing,

Without it,

     He dies -

Withers and falls,


     He no longer grows

Within the sanctuary

Of England’s finest pastures,

For he be a memory

Of countryside and churches,

Villages and steeples,

And it’s peoples

Who claim his plot,

Peoples with axes,


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When A River Floods from Bottomless Sky (a novel by J. Otis Powell‽)

Half In Shadow

Adamas had spent his career managing chaos. He traveled from the red clay South to the milkweed Midwest because Aquanetta invited him and his life in Birmingham Alabama was killing him. He was bored with public television and Birmingham, uninterested in grandchildren, tired of X-wives, X-girlfriends and advice from doctors who wanted to manage his entire existence. A change will ...

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A Being In MotionAdamasBottomless SkyFloodsperformance prose

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