destiny (Remove filter)
Best Laid Plans: An Anecdote
I had a map when I was young
Nothing special but
I swore it held my fate in
its borders and legends
Tales of what’s to come
So I clenched my fist around it
for if it was never lost,
neither could I be
One day, I found that one map
couldn’t guide me to
every destination
I longed to reach
So I procured another
and another
and another
until ...
Tuesday 6th August 2024 2:39 pm
Do what you must to ensure they don’t see.
Rationalize and pretend it won’t be.
Wish it away to escape from it all.
Cover it up like the paint on the wall.
Cloak it in layers of varying hue,
carefully crafted to keep it from view.
Do what you can with all effort and might.
Make every move just to keep it from sight.
Do what you must but in time you will ...
Saturday 30th March 2024 9:26 pm
Falling Apart
Sometimes it doesn’t go the way
you thought it would at all.
Sometimes the pieces all line up
though randomly they fall.
Sometimes I guess you’re better off
just following your heart.
Cuz sometimes it can still work out…
though you’re falling apart.
Sunday 25th February 2024 8:02 pm
The rock
The rock on a high coast, on which I leant.
Your love, as strong as the rock.
We were
we held eternity blindly; we reached
for a meaning that was greater than life:
Destiny - word of fools.
Your eye and mine:
they saw
only a hazed horizon.
Endless line before endless line
losing time to d...
Thursday 22nd February 2024 10:10 am
Final Destination
till the end,
filled with willpower.
… is this rare form,
burned alive from the inside,
the thrill of the hunt
is much too abrupt
when they’re frozen out of fear
with my last breath, I’m to rest each day
only so that
Saturday 16th December 2023 5:03 pm
In the beginning, God [early draft]
And in that first wailing cry my ashes were ordained:
As the ocean acknowledges its horizon,
knows infinity's finite edge
so my cry knew a destiny
knew my play and my learning
my work, my leisure, my sleep
the evil of my hands and the goodness of my heart
my loves, my hates, my pleasures.
Knew my world: that tiny flesh held all my futures
and in those fragile bones resid...
Friday 14th July 2023 12:32 pm
Just me and I
Thursday 26th May 2022 11:02 pm
together that night
Under golden shards of starlight
Skin glistening with sweat & tears
A caress to hide our deepest fears
We trickled down like teardrops
Made mercury under a brightening moon
Lips Softly touching
Hearts merging
The anticipation
of the life we could have
If not for life itself
There was one last look
Through glistening pools of...
Monday 11th April 2022 7:43 pm
Fairytale - For V & K
An entrance to a fairytale waiting to happen,
Sweet scented flowers, second only to the story that's about to bloom,
Flickering candles mimicking twinkling stars in the dark sky,
Like the love that survived through thick and thin, dark and light...
A slow stepped waltz, opening to a dance of a lifetime,
followed by a ballad about a love that grew from childhood
and an eterna...
Thursday 17th February 2022 3:01 am
Mi Anemone
A warmth in her blossomed,
He made her smile from her heart.
She was too scared to tell him,
So she played the friendship part.
He stole her affection, like a thief in the night
Unknowingly planting the seed, but she forbid it to see the light.
Though feelings had already begun to sprout from within,
Her exterior shell then cracked, it...
Tuesday 16th February 2021 1:21 pm
Destiny is not where life or time is taking you to,
Destiny is the place where you want to see yourself.
Destiny is not where others push you to be,
Destiny is where your heart feels satisfaction.
Not everyone born with a silver spoon,
Not everyone inherits fame,
Millions of people with their hard efforts and sturdy will power earn it.
Everyone born with a hidden talent and it...
Monday 30th November 2020 1:14 pm
Maybe Next Time
Maybe next time,
I will get it right,
put up more of a fight,
won’t settle,
take control of my life.
Maybe next time,
I will find fortune and fame,
learn how to play the game.
Maybe next time,
I will see it through,
know the right thing to do.
Maybe next time,
you will love me,
as much as I love you.
Tuesday 8th September 2020 2:12 am
Some tips to write a good poem
There is no need
to set your poem to the music of the heart, or let it sway
to the rhythms of the hurt, at least for today.
There is no need
for you to panic, or dive into the pyre of rhyme
Burn later, if you will, but for now, wait out your time.
Let it corrupt a little, breathe in the zones unlit
Break and crumble, and feed on itself, bit by bit.
For you se...
Thursday 20th August 2020 2:39 am
I can’t see
But I can dream
It’s like wearing a blindfold
On my brown eyes
I can’t watch, but I can feel
All these weird wild vibes
All these angelic faces around me
But those diabolic souls surround me
Are they real or are they fake?
It’s like watching a blue snowflake
Falling for smiles and grace
All night murdering for a race
I can’t wait
Saturday 1st August 2020 12:02 pm
Resistance is futile.
You will not find rest
as long as I am near,
whispering in your ear.
STOP, right now.
Write now.
Talk about how
love echoes
in the valley of
lost souls.
Share your hopes,
dreams, fears.
I’m listening,
ready to bathe you,
in serenity.
I am your muse,
voice of truth,
Tuesday 28th July 2020 5:17 pm
People come and go
leaving behind the scars:
It's more than heaven
in a beautiful beginning,
very perfectly blessed
like walking in moonlight.
An abrupt rapture of emotions,
the deep dives in the lovely sea,
the waters perfectly unknown,
the realms strange, but cozy.
Hopes are always great,
but perhaps so baseless.
We are like the falling stars
that will surely shoot...
Saturday 6th June 2020 4:43 am
Still cool
I'm still cool,
torn by destiny
that made me blue.
Why to pain,
and for whom,
when it isn't a worthy tool.
Time cut me
into pieces immeasurable,
and I rose like a toddler,
I still rose,
each time, with a power
of a thousand phoenixes.
Tuesday 2nd June 2020 4:54 pm
Destiny Bound
You think you can
break my heart
without breaking
your own?
We are one.
Your tears
are my tears.
My tears stream
down your face.
Interwined energy,
we try to escape,
but it keeps pulling us back
to this silent space.
You turn away,
nothing to say,
rue the day.
I laugh through the tears,
because I know we will be
bound again for years,
Our des...
Monday 28th October 2019 1:04 am
Love Letter to My Muse
All day long
I think of you.
I can’t wait to get home
to be with you,
to feel your ink drip
between my fingers.
You are my love,
my passion,
my muse.
I know you will
never leave me.
We are bound
by a legacy of words,
that braids our soul.
Our poetry echoes
through time and space,
leaves a soft place
for broken hearts to land.
# # #
...Monday 23rd September 2019 5:40 am
Fool me once
shame on you.
Fool me twice
shame on me.
Fools forever
chasing love
and destiny.
Think it through
before you give up
for a moment
in the sun
on the sinking ship
of fools.
Tuesday 2nd April 2019 6:55 pm
Dear Muse
Hide away
if you must.
I don't understand
what prompts you
to surface anyway.
I will do like I always do,
show up on the page,
stumble through what
I was put on earth to do,
share my truth.
I know even though you
fly away again and again
to do whatever muses do,
you will come back,
when I least expect
and light up my soul
with your beautiful words,
like you alwa...
Wednesday 27th March 2019 8:25 pm
Love Lessons
He loves her but,
she loves him,
but he loves the mirror
like his lost love loves selfies.
Adoration, pointing every direction,
like weather vanes in a hurricane.
Each unware their
love affair
is bound to end.
Love lessons often repeat
until we understand that
real love begins within,
then overflows to others,
making the circle of love
Tuesday 26th March 2019 3:39 am
You are a creator.
I am a creator.
I created you
and you created me.
Together we create
our destiny.
Will we fill our life
with strife or harmony.
Will we hide behind fear and doubt
or flesh our gifts out.
It is up to you.
It is up to me.
To be all we created
ourselves to be.
Monday 25th March 2019 3:08 pm
One day
One day
One day the unsolved riddle will find its clues out..
One day this anxious await will no more exist..
One day the truth will dawn with no trace of any doubt..
One day we shall be destined to cross the roads of desist..
One day the mystery of unknown will cease to allure
One day new dimensions will emerge to explore..
One day our rendezvous would not be obscure..
One day we ...
Friday 22nd March 2019 11:53 am
If you become
what you think about
most of the time...
I am becoming
poetry, a lyrical
fantasy floating
in rhyme.
I am becoming
love and light,
Doing my best
to do what's right.
I am becoming
and peace.
Healing souls
like Wayne
and Louise.
I am becoming
who God intended
me to be.
Leaving a loving
I am becoming
...Saturday 16th February 2019 1:56 am
Echoes of Life
What are the chances
of two lost souls
light-years apart
colliding twice in life?
Astronomical. Yes!
The dance is sweeter,
with ego out of the way.
All that remains is love
purified by the same rock-bottom
pressure that turns grains of sand into
pearls, coal into diamonds.
Not lustful love, agape.
Godly, unconditional love for humanity.
Forgiving. Acce...
Thursday 14th February 2019 3:37 pm
Into the Woods
We were lame and we were young,
Walking in the woods,
While singing our song,
Never in my dreams, felt anything wrong,
Thought you were always coming along,
Do not remember where exactly I lost you,
My eyes searched for you in heavy fog,
I continued my journey amidst the rocks,
Shivered through-out the night,
Darkness was blocking my sight,
Always thought that you wer...
Thursday 24th January 2019 5:56 am
Rose Colored Reality
Too much reality
can burn a hole
through your soul.
I prefer to temper it
with rose colored glasses,
as you know.
With my glasses on
I can see past the ego
to the wounds at
war within.
I can see that the
past, present, and
future are all
an illusion...
created for one purpose
to tell the story
of how we want to
show up in this world.
I can see beyond
Wednesday 23rd January 2019 3:08 pm
I do not get it
I do not get it when they say,
We will not make it one day,
I do not get it, when they laugh,
On us and on our scars
I do not get it when they do not believe us,
How crazily can this world suck?
I cannot express the pain in words,
Let’s run because we seem cursed
Let’s run away from the chains of pain,
Let’s run away where we can dance in rain,
Let’s run as ...
Monday 21st January 2019 8:38 am
Forever ago may seem
like 20 years of gray,
but I live forever every day.
There is no escape.
It's not the passion I miss,
I keep that memory sealed
in a concrete kiss.
It's the lyrical
soul connection
that went on months
before our egos
got in the way.
In the forever between
tears and heartbreak,
we managed
to find ourselves
and our destiny, here
on this pag...
Tuesday 15th January 2019 7:09 pm
Fly Away
She wanted to fly high
But was afraid to fell from the blue sky
She longed for someone
To come along her way
To guide her throughout
No matter what the world says
She would believe in miracles
She was never afraid to dream
If only that someone showed up
She would have been living free
Chained in the shackles
She longed to breathe
Eventually that someone sho...
Tuesday 15th January 2019 1:25 pm
My Dopamine
Your words flow
though my veins
and light up my soul
like nothing
I've ever known.
Chemical alchemy.
Cosmic destiny.
Beyond comprehension.
From another dimension.
Steam. My dopamine.
Thursday 10th January 2019 12:54 pm
It's Easier to Believe
It's easier to believe
I am a child of the most high God
than to live a life of despair.
It's easier to believe
everything happens for a reason
than to question fate.
It's easier to believe
love is everywhere
than to give in to hate.
It's easier to believe
in forgiveness
than remain a victim.
It's easier to believe
in abundant blessings
than mounting problems.
It's easier ...
Friday 28th December 2018 5:30 pm
Publish your poems,
your stories,
your soul songs.
A world of lonely people
are waiting for you
with open arms.
Saturday 22nd December 2018 7:28 pm
Destined to succeed
I have no reasons to stop, no reasons to halt,
I have no reasons to cry over my fault.
I have no reason to fear, ah! no depression;
I have no reasons to regret
Or betray my passion.
Life often puts me in a hell,
Yet I find a grace,
When it pushes me unto heaven
I don't lose my face.
I might have got no respect
Not a penny fame.
Yet I am not without a critic
Nor without a dirty ...
Wednesday 22nd November 2017 5:43 am
They come together
in this place outside
yet at the centre of our world.
We have asked of them
our destiny
Have demanded nothing of them
except our future.
Who are these gods in whom we place our trust?
Who are these gods that we have selected?
These are the senate that we once elected:
The senators that ...
Thursday 9th November 2017 2:56 pm
Aisa Kyu
By : Mirza Sharafat
mujhe kya , har cheez me tera ghar lagta hai
wo sama , teri ghali ka wo manzar lagta hai
pawu zameen pa rakh ke samandar lagta hai
teri muhabbat ka asar is qadar lagta hai
Sulagti huwi aagh pa mujhe chalney do rafiq
Har qadam pa maloom uska reh guzar lagta hai
terey ansuvu ki jo na kar sakey qadar
phir dil usk...
Tuesday 29th August 2017 5:18 am
Falling for a Girl (Man's POV)
When you fall for a girl, your whole world changes.
What you say, what you do, how you think, how you even breathe.
She is the air you take in.
The air you never want to let go.
You do better in class because you love the way her smile makes you feel,
you make lame jokes just to hear her laugh.
You sit in silence because everything she does is amazing.
The way she speaks Spanish, the way sh...
Wednesday 26th April 2017 6:10 pm
The Father's Curse
The Father’s Curse
I am not the man you used to be
the acorn falling softly
in the shade of your tree
raising ungrateful sons
to their own prosperity
fighting a war
so that others could be free
the nurturing of potential
that you swore you couldn’t see
expected to take root
and share your ancient symmetry
being a loving father
when it wasn’t m...
Wednesday 19th April 2017 12:15 pm
get some of this
delicate balance
as day and night
from night to day
who is trapped?
asked gaia
who is trapped?
asked god
may be y'all
should be
the dance is for the motion!
Tuesday 29th December 2015 5:40 pm
Plasma screen; well kept, clean
Silenced screams
And faces pleased
Artificial combustion
Will as strong as a Russian
Why how is it fantastic?
To become cynical and sarcastic
Grow older and bolder
Fly without wings
Flee the magnifying mirror
Unfold the killer
Be who you are
The fault in our stars
It is merely a myth you see
Thou shall reveal the not so mysterious myster...
Friday 16th October 2015 12:26 am
I am what I am
I am the change that I want to see
I am the answer to what I think should be
I am the result before the question
I am the future put in motion
Take time to see what is real
Take time to know how you feel
Take time to rebuild broken dreams
Take time no matter how bad it seems
I am today as one person
I am always looking with a new vision
I am my own direction
...Tuesday 14th July 2015 4:54 pm
Fate’s handwriting
Found a crushed paper
Beneath a lovely old book
Like one dropped by blues
Had an enigmatic look
Against questions unfathomable;
Thousand answers it opined
Penned was my name
‘Twas stamped as “DESTINED”!!
I felt a connect,
And flipped a corner,
Bold chevron lines read,
“Seed and then garner”
Ink fluttered to allude
Loud and clear message;
...Thursday 4th June 2015 4:56 pm
On the Cards
Royal Flush:
Prep School
Eton College
Oxford University
Prime Minister.
Busted flush:
Somewhere else
Stockport Jobclub
Wednesday 10th December 2014 8:48 pm
Let the Chips Fall
Let the chips fall,
We're cutting down a tree.
But only to build a bridge
made of electricity.
It's connecting you and me,
to a future we can't see.
Que sera, sera,
What will be will be.
The light that shines inside us
is directing you to me.
Fate is in auto-pilot and it flies in stealth
the beauty of surrender
is a new abundant wealth.
To hell with always ...
Tuesday 31st January 2012 8:00 pm
All our life is full of temptations,
aggravations, sensations, relations…,
good and bad morals,
trifling quarrels, insults,
disappointments and losses,
the worn out clothes,
treacheries and complaints,
events we can’t prevent,
some things we can’t withstand,
stresses and shocks,
Saturday 7th August 2010 11:10 am
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