Covid19 (Remove filter)
Going to bed then waking up late, what lies ahead?
We ask you fate
Jogs in the winter sun around the area,
Becoming healthy - losing weight
With hope in the vaccine and wanting to be immune
We look to this date
Remembering things of the past, finding comfort
Talking to a mate
Thinking what we have done and future plans
Good and bad times we know await.
Wednesday 20th November 2024 10:07 pm
A Moment of Silence, Please!
The world is in chaos
Yet there is jubilation everywhere
People are gasping for air
Yet there is air around them
Their lungs refuse to accommodate any
So I watch them give it up instead
A moment of silence for the departed,please!
My eyes are glassed with suppressed tears
I turn on tv to silence my sorrows
But my grief knows no rest
The sound of children laughing...
Sunday 2nd January 2022 10:02 am
OUR NEW NORMAL Life during a pandemic. Already change is challenging for most. If we had a choice or I should rather say, control things would remain the same, people's thinking would never evolve, but we don't have control over anything. Change is inevitable; it is an integral part of being human. Going about our lives blissfully oblivious believing that we are the captains of our destinies, then...
Monday 30th August 2021 12:30 pm
Over Corona
We've had such a long time with this Covid-19,
The greatest pandemic that there's ever been.
With huge numbers infected and some having died,
To stop this virus we have all certainly tried.
Now it seems that we may now have a solution,
As vaccines are prepared with mass distribution.
While we all had to live in this dreadful reality,
Can we at last now return to normality?
When all vac...
Friday 4th December 2020 4:48 pm
Malignant Love
I can feel you,
thick in my throat,
threatening to consume me,
slithering through my mind and body,
wielding your alpha power,
making me weak.
I curse you, drown you,
in sunshine and sweet elixirs,
but you refuse to leave.
I am stronger than you think.
I order you and your invisible army
of pain, heartbreak, misery,
away from my cosmic energy.
I did not manifest you.
Wednesday 25th November 2020 4:28 pm
The Twelve Days of Christmas
12 Days of Christmas
On the first day of Christmas
Bojo gave to me
Fear of a virus
Spreading rapidly.
On the second day of Christmas
Bojo gave to me
Two metre distance and
Fear of a virus
Spreading rapidly.
On the Third day of Christmas
Bojo gave to me
Hands, face & space,
Two metre distance and
Fear of a virus
Spreading rapidly.
Monday 23rd November 2020 9:38 pm
After the Pandemic
After the pandemic,
I hope we remove our masks,
find more reasons to smile,
forgive faster,
have more patience,
keep the faith,
help each other however we can.
Gather more,
hug more,
kiss more,
remember what we're here for,
live, laugh, love.
I hope you find strength
to move your mountains,
courage to carry on,
seize every opportunity
to live the After now.
Sunday 20th September 2020 4:26 pm
Ghost Café
Our Halloween masks reflected back
as we peer through that dusty glass
into the quiet gloom of the Ghost Café
If only the ghost waitress would take our order
‘large or small?’ she asks, well, I’m a medium
ghost chairs dragged across the ghost floor
And the clank of local steel set down
on delicately painted porcelain
bustling echoes bounce from peeling walls
People starting or resta...
Tuesday 8th September 2020 12:47 pm
Shopping At A Safe Distance
Standing in line, besides my disinfected trolley
In the supermarket car park, under my brolly
Distance shopping, it is the new normal
Two meters apart, so serious and formal
I quickly pick groceries, for others and mine
I queue down the aisle, it's a very long line
The assistant sits safe, behind a plastic screen
Sprays and hand gel, making everything clean
I miss the old d...
Saturday 23rd May 2020 12:04 pm
The Ghosts Of Covid-19
We see you and reach out amidst this sea of unknown faces
We watch through tears, in silence and remember familiar places
Where once the streets held smiles from many families black and white
Where music flowed through windows, well into the night
Where street lamps held the kisses of all lovers neath the moon
This chance I never got to feel being taken far too soon
Our ...
Tuesday 19th May 2020 5:19 am
First Grade Pandemic
One thing I now know for sure,
a pandemic fuels power trips and paranoia.
Takes you back to first grade when everyone,
except your best friend, had cooties.
Playground bullies made all the rules,
their favorite game was keep away.
You better listen to them,
or you will rue the day.
You wore Halloween masks,
through suffocating sweat.
Take it off,
no candy you get.
Sunday 17th May 2020 2:23 am
Heroes In Blue
Heroes In Blue
Unprecedented times, the like never seen before
This pandemic has shaken us all to our very core
A whirlwind ripping through our cities and towns
The evil coronavirus wearing its invisible crown
It does not care if you are rich or poor
A Royal, a minister or the boy next door
No matter what age, wealth, colour or creed
Affecting us all, and with devastat...
Thursday 14th May 2020 1:58 pm
The New Normal
Help control the virus on our decent down the peak
Stay alert, the new normal, the keywords of the week
Anticipation grew around the map of our pathway out
confusing news filled us all with disappointing doubt
To mask or not to mask? now there lies a question
still debatable if they provide any medical protection
Return to work when able, keeping a two metre distan...
Thursday 14th May 2020 1:56 pm
The Tale Of The Year Twenty Twenty
The year twenty twenty, what a story to be told
When nature said enough is enough and put the world on hold
Mother Earth took a break, to revitalise, refresh and renew
Taught us all a valuable lesson, to give respect when it is due
She created the coronavirus, almost impossible to beat
The world paused for a while and considered its defeat
Is it a dream or a nightmare, becau...
Thursday 14th May 2020 1:53 pm
A Story of Hope
A writer yearns to tell their story, any story
that will stand the test of time
full of hardships conquered
and inspires generations with hope.
The story shall feel whimsical,
not so much with fairies dancing
but that there is a happy ending.
The story shall have brevity,
not so much as a long weathered tale
but one that details just enough.
The story shall...
Wednesday 13th May 2020 12:28 am
Poems from The Lockdown
PRESS RELEASE 23rd April 2020 PRESS RELEASE 23rd April 2020
Poems from The Lockdown
Poetry anthology available Amazon and elsewhere from 18th April.2020
Every country on the planet has been affected by Coronavirus Covid-19, with many countries in Lockdown; where social distancing and self-isolation are now the new normal.
We at, Willowdown Books, believe this anthology, and other po...
Sunday 10th May 2020 11:02 am
Renee By A Thread
Down the corridor, comes a scream
Was it physical pain
or the horror of finally learning
the way this game is turning
They took your clothes
gave you a gown
there was nothing to do but lay right down
Now, the machine breathes
for you
hung by a thread and leaving soon
Faint flashes behind tired eyelids
recalled moments from a busy life;
the night before your wedding
barefoot kisses b...
Tuesday 5th May 2020 4:53 pm
Advertised everywhere
No chance for it to be ignored
The blaring signals and sirens
Please don't use the excuse that you're bored
The excuses and reasons don't work
Not anymore
We've endured the lies but now
You even deceived the law
You did not leave out of choice
You were removed
Lying to yourself and to others
You seem confused
The rules apply ...
Sunday 19th April 2020 2:15 pm
Some Distance with No Distance
Diverge from you’re doing.
for a second stray
away ignoring this,
that crag where you fill falls
feel them slip away-
the giver to that graph,
ignorance gives more,
still some distance
with no distance,
that you consider,
its callous, its false.
all the frolicking
to the long mute tune
the peril not here for you,
so still you shove peak,
...Saturday 11th April 2020 7:51 pm
Better alone by Atile (the bread queen)
When I’m not alone
All I do is moan
I also groan
My companions say “Oh won’t you stop!”
But my only reply is “I’m going to the shop”
When I’m alone
I can play my trombone
Without somebody screaming “I would rather you moan!”
And I don’t always have to go to the shop
I just always watch TV non-stop
Once I was alone
And I was on my phone
And I was shown
A warning about a...
Monday 6th April 2020 4:48 pm
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