magic (Remove filter)
Blue Moon
This tidal,
ebb and flow
of our own
mixed feelings
as a solution,
salted tears …
we are 60% water
these waves of emotion
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:51 pm
Blue Moon
This tidal,
ebb and flow
of our own
mixed feelings
as a solution,
salted tears …
we are 60% water
these waves of emotion
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:51 pm
In the first second
infinite sensory overload
will begin, download it
and then this
thought process …
it is up to you to utilize
the central nervous system’s data
our own eye of the storm
strike like
lightning …
fast reflexes at the hands
of centered command
Thursday 4th July 2024 8:44 pm
The Greatest Ever…. Cup and Ball Trick
The trick of the cup and ball
Starts with a vanish and reappearance
From oranges, lemons and even a baseball
Teleport to a cup, that the audience cheer
The magicians face says it all
No wonder magic is a great career
But instead of stopping he continues the act
As he is now handcuffed, bound and strapped.
He repeats the words that makes himself... vanish once more...
Sunday 3rd March 2024 4:33 pm
The Lamp
a golden relic of prior days
they tell tales of djinns and genies
how did this object receive the name
it'd make an ideal canteen of gravy
my room does not illuminate
I've rubbed till wrist was cramped
when filled with oil, the blaze did rage
why do they call it a lamp
Monday 23rd October 2023 5:39 am
UP UP AND AWAY (the spaceship part 2)
I spoke of the spaceship remember
If you can
Before my temporary spaceship ban
It turned after midnight lights out teddy bears
When the gate wouldn't open to the spaceship stairs
But for all the right reasons it worked in my favour
As the captain had slipped and expressed bad behaviour
So I turned and went to a brand-new dimension
On a search for self love purified affection
No access the...
Sunday 16th April 2023 4:50 pm
Gilded journal in azure for magical studies
The timber house for two, arcane music from the otherworld
Bruin wool blankets gifted from old friends
To keep us warm in this little enclave of dreams
basket of gala apples picked ripe to last us
Makeshift bed on the floor and the moorish lanterns lit
The sylph’s secrets in the paintings beside us enchanting our sleep
We have brough...
Friday 31st March 2023 3:56 am
she conjured my fate
juggled my dreams
with her visions my memory teems
I was treading water
sitting on my hands
she took me off to distant lands
hands that soothed
performed illusions
making sense of my delusions
shelter in her cloak
solace from her eyes
with my pain her mercy vies
that charming smile
she shone abroad
seemed to lift my...
Saturday 4th September 2021 10:07 am
April supermoon Pink 2021
Help us to shift out the darkness be gone
Enlighten us daily and bring faith we believe
Rebirth new ideas set goals and achieve
To confront any obstacles setting us back
Guard us keep safe when we're under attack
Shelter us whole prevent us adrift
Cleansing ones soul and others We lift
Grant us the peace in the blessing of still
Pour in your magic with love o...
Monday 26th April 2021 8:14 pm
Moon Angel we talk through the moon
Sun rise at dawn settle at noon
Evening comes and darkness is ours
Oh blissfull darkness you give us the stars
Night streams and moon beams
Glistening waters
Reflecting on lessons the night Time
has taught us.
The blessings it brought us
Still many lessons and magic to come
Magical teachers the stars moon and sun
Yes there were hard times and th...
Wednesday 3rd March 2021 9:31 pm
Broomstick Baby
she used to set me on fire
her eyes lit my every day
that touch a breath of silk
voice so alluring and fey
magic slipped into reverse
our love shrinks unspoken
chemistry fell out of kilter
her fairy wand has broken
careless now, her moods
weaving so casual gashes,
disdain on that elfin face,
a tongue with fifty lashes
bored and up to mischief
Wednesday 17th February 2021 10:29 am
I had a book all full of spells
Where childhood magic
Weaved its way
Between the yellowed pages
Where dragon’s breath
Set woodland glades alight
And lost children danced
With the frightened and the fey
The teeth of angry wolves
Chewed at the edges
Whilst chattering little demons
Clawed along your spine
Strange apples fell from wizene...
Friday 8th May 2020 2:40 pm
Ordinary Magic
The realisations that a bit of mindfully living in the moment can bring....
It's magical that we taste
There's magic in a touch
Magic surrounds all the things
Which we don't think of much
The splendour of our sunshine
Remarkable drops of rain
The miracle of each day
That we've awoke again
The greatness of those blades of grass
That grow beneath our feet
...Friday 27th September 2019 8:55 pm
To know my fingerprints
on another’s heart
could stir them into art
a priceless gift, a magic
To know there is a poem
written about me
those words, more beautiful
than I could ever hope to be
From the caverns of passed time
there comes a sound
a constant, quiet, ring
when I choose to listen
always there
telling of another way of living
That the heart of an artist
a complexly c...
Monday 16th September 2019 11:51 am
I'm posting this following a conversation I had with the botanist John Parker (Director, Cambridge University Botanic Garden, 1996-2010) after a public reading from the book Deciphering Ancient Minds: The Mystery of San Bushman Rock Art by David Lewis-Williams and Sam Challis (Thames & Hudson, 2012). The South African San "bushmen" and their culture are a particular interest of John's, and we brie...
Wednesday 28th August 2019 7:55 pm
Heartburn no more
Just like magic right under your nose
You are magic
Just like the fruits of the earth that we take so lightly like it's granted for infinity
The juice that we drink from the carton is magic like the orange it came from
Like the tree cut down for the carton we drink from
That magic tree...
Magic like me
Like you..
Like the lemons and limes
Make acids into alkaline almost to water
Monday 17th June 2019 9:22 am
Mortality stalks me
like a jealous lover.
Breathlessly follows me
wherever I go, incessantly
banging a gong,
it won't be long,
come to me, let
the pain end.
My eternal soul sees
this game of mortal gods
and challenges me
to go where mortals
fear to tread...
Meditate in silent space
past the black hole,
beyond illness,
depression, despair
to that ...
Tuesday 9th April 2019 5:35 pm
The Illusionist
It seems that the old-time "magic show" is experiencing something of a renaissance, especially in the visual mass media. Even so, I doubt its fundamental attraction will alter one iota. The gap between acclaim and scorn is still wafer-thin.
The Illusionist
Pay attention, dear reader, and I'll weave a magic vein,
where rabbits live in top hats and assistants float in air,
Thursday 18th January 2018 11:37 am
Like grains of rice, her love it grows;
Forms a crown from lush meadows.
Beneath their skulls with blooming fields,
Dandelions caress skin, living shields.
Arrays of light pour onto ivory,
Little, brown connect-the-dots scatter accordingly.
With envy in their eyes, the fairies hover,
Frowning between one another;
Wondering how they lost their glen
To a pair of human...
Tuesday 14th March 2017 5:07 am
Poison Fairies
She waltzed amongst the roses,
Tiptoed upon the thorns
wrapped herself in petals,
Avoiding skin like nettles.
He was poison ivy,
Prickly like holly,
Poison berry kisses,
Cupid's arrow misses.
They wandered through the gardens
Creeping ivy binds them.
United by deadly nightshade,
Their home a fairy glade.
Babies fed with seed pods,
Rosary pea a...
Monday 27th February 2017 10:39 pm
Are Lyrics Poetry?
Whether this is a controversial view I don't know. But over the years many have called the likes of Bob Dylan, John Lennon and even Paul Weller Poets because of the content of their song lyrics. I personally do find many of the latter two songs inspiring and poetry like 'That's Entertainment' by Paul Weller and 'Imagine' by John Lennon are two good examples.
I once had a manager who managed tho...
Friday 18th November 2016 4:51 pm
Dha Kro’z Ov Al-bi-an
Dha Kro’z Ov Al-bi-an
(Tak’n frum ‘Dha Book Ov Kro’z’)
Koww Koww Koww
Wit wich hurd mi ple -
Kum down in hur
sno dres fin’ery.
Koww Koww Koww
“Giv mi vois”, sez I,
“For Kro iz sik ov
ra’ging at gray ski”
Koww Koww Koww
“I wish mi song be hurd,
tune’ful as a
prit’i lit’l burd”
“No, No”, sa she
“Nev’ar such a thing -
for u ar blak ov hart -
as blak of wing”
“I se u on ...
Friday 29th May 2015 6:31 pm
Menage A Trois
Menage A Trois
The creeping half-light
casts unnatural shadows
on a cooling path.
Silver sister moon
bites down hard on the sky king,
silencing bird song.
This, being England,
she does beneath a cloud veil
of shy modesty.
Unbelievers still
raise their eyes to the heavens
in acts of worship.
Magic or science -
or just something poetic
on a spring morning?
When the sun re...
Friday 20th March 2015 11:20 am
Becoming Alice
I gaze into the rabbit hole. It does not gaze back. And still, I am ready to enter.
This mischevious risk urges my desire
To fall within and forget all that is prior
I comtemplate the life I've lived and all the choices I've choose
And what is next in my life and where will my path go
I relieve my grip and accept this new phenomenon
I fall through the hole and embrace the myster...
Monday 13th October 2014 10:11 am
As I bask in the sun
The rain starts to fall
Droplets find the ground like silver
I am filled with childish wonder
Awaiting the magic, it appears
The colours bring my world
To life
My sky awakens
To excite me from within
I seek to find my utopia
Not for the riches of wealth
Only for the affirmation
Of magic
Are you looking for me?
You will find me at the e...
Sunday 6th July 2014 6:50 pm
Blood Moon
Blood Moon
“Sweet Katarina, dance for me”,
said the man with the black balloon,
whose face looked rather like a wolf
if glanced in the back of a spoon -
and for each dance she did for him
he would pass her another string
with a midnight helium ball
tied on to its end with a ring.
She danced until her little hands
were full of the magical twine
and the villagers all agreed
they’d ne...
Friday 4th July 2014 2:09 pm
Cycle Of The Scarecrow (audio version)
Cycle Of The Scarecrow
before she came
I stood here
for what seemed like eons
with a blood red sun
setting behind me
my head full
of nothing more
than sawdust
straw and dreams
a hole in my chest
where beetles scuttled
happy come rain or shine
my only fear
that crows might see
through me
be brave and bold
and strut towards me
then peck out
my button eyes
now as the shadows g...
Saturday 22nd March 2014 11:52 am
Another Day Of Bliss
Streaks of tepid sunshine
with magical golden spell
Provoke latent indolence
for fresh fervor compel
Scatter of nomadic clouds
of varied shape and form
Reflect strokes of artistry
nature aiming to perform
Trees full with mangoes
heralding in joyous time
Cuckoo cooing in concord
some singing choir sublime
Distant sight of g...
Friday 28th February 2014 1:32 pm
Wandering Fado
Soft music offering backdrop
in a tongue peculiarly diverse
It were some sort of a ballad
with words woven in a verse
Couldn’t grasp what projected,
just felt the sense profound
It traversed beyond restrictions,
free spirited and totally unbound
The warm voice mesmerizing,
emanating from deepest of core
...Sunday 23rd February 2014 4:56 pm
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve
the snow fell
so hard and fast
that we thought
the earth had
turned white
and when
we stepped
into the flurry
the lining
of our noses
with the
sudden chill
and our fingers
to make it stop
to give them back
their warm blood
the smell
of cinnamon
and spice
on a draft
pulled from
the open door
for a second
the co...
Tuesday 17th December 2013 6:52 pm
Cycle Of The Scarecrow
expanded version of the blog I posted a few days ago - this time covering all four seasons.
Cycle Of The Scarecrow
A Scarecrow Dreams Of Living
A scarecrow in autumnal sheen
thinks of all that he has been.
His age old frame begins to lean
as bitter winds blow in, so keen.
He longs for days of evergreen,
so buys back time, wipes the slate c...
Wednesday 18th September 2013 6:32 pm
Home Sweet Gnome
Saturday 1st June 2013 12:05 am
My Dragon
Wednesday 30th January 2013 2:07 pm
Four Leaf Clover
Sunday 13th January 2013 2:04 am
I believe in fairies
Monday 24th December 2012 12:32 am
My Elixir
I will make an elixir now.
Will you ask me how?
It’s such a simple science!
A bottle of reliance,
Another one with love and peace,
One more of trust love to increase.
I’ll mix all that with magic spoon,
My elixir is going to be ready soon.
And…to complete this picture
I’ll sing a song to my mixture.
How to take this elixir.
Five drops a day will...
Thursday 6th September 2012 5:32 pm
Blood Mage
Twisted Maleficarum turned abomination
desperately seeking a return to one's humanity.
Expelling demons,
pumping passion like the blood that summoned them.
Bleeding tears, sweating fears
soaked in trepidation.
Summon some feeling
no time for healing
when paint is just pain with
twin pronged brush strokes.
Tattered, trying, tonal
Tuesday 10th January 2012 6:11 pm
Glamorous Exercises
Low she bends upon her knee
Trawling fingers
Through the sea,
And the waves obey.
Wide she flings her arms to flare
Butterfly wings
Upon the air,
And the winds obey.
Upon her toes stretched ever higher
She plucks clouds
From sunset fire,
And the flam...
Wednesday 21st September 2011 1:02 pm
she sits
she knits
the needles click
as strand by strand
in cracked crabbed hands
each stitch
might haul them
back to land
her days, her nights are one, the same -
a gift of darkness borne by grief
to wounds already salted well.
lips taste each quarter
of the wind; she hears the tides
advance, retreat -
as if in echoes from
some ancient stranded shell.
she feels t...
Monday 4th May 2009 2:25 pm
Recent Comments
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