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Graham Sherwood on Return to Waterloo
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Graham Sherwood on One thing becomes another
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Mike Bartram on 'Baby Bear'
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Graham Sherwood on Forgive, Not Forget
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K. Lynn on We Rise
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branwell kent on Bill
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John Coopey on MY MAN
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Stephen Gospage on We Rise
13 hours ago


As we look at our society,
We'll see one that creates most anxiety.
It's one that we should all despise.
It is one which no-one should disguise.

It is a bully - as they bring distress,
Turning good people's minds into a mess.
To destroy confidence is their aim.
Then after that they'll just do the same.

For victims they will always seek,
Searching for those who seem weak.
But for what...

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Stuart VannerBulliesBullying


Tomorrow i dont want to be different but only for a day
If I look like they do.. they'll have nothing mean to say
I could make my hair look just like their's and
practice how they walk
And maybe try not to speak or they will recognise my talk
If only I was magic I could make my self invisible
Or make my self blend in im tired of feeling miserable
I try to understand why they just don't like...

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My Muse Is Dead

Beige walls stand empty where original artworks once hung
A woman, beyond her years in mind and body, sits at her desk
Staring at a screen that, despite vast knowledge at her fingertips
Is empty
The cloud of cognizance that enveloped her has cleared
Ridiculed by those she trusted
"Over medicated"
No more pills
No more gange
Nothing to help control the demons within her mind
There is no f...

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adhdartistsbipolarBipolar depression sadnessbulliesdepressiongiving up on passionsgiving up on peoplemedicationmental illnessocdprocessing emotionsptsdshame

Wrong Career .

Wrong Career

I was young and worked in a garage. I was in the wrong job, aged 17. Why did I end up there? Was it fate punishing me for not joining the RAF? Other people thought I’d be good at fixing cars. I wasn’t; I was barely ok. Think of quiet me in a real man’s world. It was a daunting thought and there I was.

It was ok at first but soon went wrong. Trying to take a Volvo’s bumper o...

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my teens and youthwrong jobdepressedbullieslost yearsgrew stronger










When I was in 9th grade

I sat at the front

of the class.


Most kids thought I did

this to show how smart

I was. Others because

 I was better than them.

 And a few because I

wanted to be

the teachers pet.


The truth is because I

couldn't see the chalk board.


I lied to my parents


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There was a lump in his throat
that could have bridged a moat,
his fixed eyes were brimming,
while the stranger was grinning.
His young mind was wracked 
by those that came and attacked
just because he was new in town,
had his accent make them frown?
As he struggled up from the ground,
still swamped by their sneering sound,
from the taun...

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