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The Angels
I saw the footsteps of an angel
Within the deep pools of blood
No one noticed the scarlet halo
Because angels are meant to be good
No one mourned the demons
No one shed a tear
No one noticed the angels descend
Until there was nothing to feel but fear
The angels smiled as they hurt you
And laughed as our children cried
There were no demons left to save the pe...
Sunday 10th December 2017 8:52 pm
Black And White
A hundred thoughts in my mind
Yet struggling to pen down some lines.
There is this rainbow, all over me;
But I am all white
Just being black and white.
Bullet is cheaper than love;
Tears wiping away smiles.
Death winning over life;
But I am alright,
Just being black and white.
A hundred arrows pierced my heart;
Haven't split a pint of blood, yet
Thursday 7th December 2017 4:54 pm
All Dead
In the Springtime of my growing
The Summer of my knowing
Sown were the seeds for all my hopes and dreams
Through the rain and muddy water
There came up fragile flowers
To share with all my lovers
Where I expected trees
Being young, naive, and caring
I left my gate for sharing
Now trampled are my flowers
Trampled by my lovers
And the feet of many others
...Saturday 25th November 2017 2:08 pm
Every moment on Earth,
the sun is somewhere rising.
Wherever you are here, the sun will rise and pass over you, whether you acknowledge it or not.
Rise and pass over,
rise and pass over.
Ice knows it by the melting. Hidden pockets of quartz-in-rock know it by the warming. I know it by the forgiveness I feel watching sunlight dance across the water.
Every moment on Earth,
the sun is...
Friday 20th October 2017 2:39 am
Last Night...
Last night I dreamt I lost you Between oceans of dreams and Storms of thoughts I searched through the waves of panic but Found no trace of you_ My thoughts blank and dark, Oh my dreams…my dreams… So empty Impossible as it seems I fought against my own rage Yelling Refusing to accept… Last night I dreamt I lost you Between the madness and mundane. A sob escaped my lips Evidence of m...
Thursday 19th October 2017 2:01 am
Shades of Blue
So many shades of blue cover the path
to my horizon. Clouds shelter my spot
right now – but I can see sunshine sparking
God’s flashes away in the distance. One
spot – maybe close, maybe far – reacts to
a cloud-break; glorious, eye-piercing sharp-hard
brilliance. Maybe that’s you watching me,
settled on the shaded sea, showing off
you Angel status. I remember you,
Thursday 12th October 2017 9:48 am
Two more days
My eyes fall on the calendar And my heart races… Just two more days… Two more days from the worst of so much and For so many, Not that anyone needs a calendar as a reminder … Our fear is our continuous reminder. As “The” day comes closer, the sadness in our hearts gets deeper… The pain we have torturously endured for a year gets heavier… An almost unbearable weight to carry, “God help us! Has it...
Friday 22nd September 2017 7:29 pm
The loss of human nature
I live by necessity,
I compromise my desires
for security. Ideals
compromised for base comforts.
I play by rules I believe
to be fundamentally
unfair. I envy the gulls
I lie watching at the coast.
They live by urge - fly here, fly
there - investigate a pile
of seaweed, take off out to
sea to sit and bob for hours.
I envy the fox, living
by in...
Friday 8th September 2017 9:20 pm
Cottage Garden
Much more than half my life ago
Some chance led us to this place;
Now, my heart is caught and held
By the peace of its earth and space.
Some while past, when first she left me
I could not make my soul adjust
But cached it safe within the plot
Beside her memory and her mortal dust.
And as the family aged and spread
My lonely tenancy grew content
Past spectres...
Wednesday 23rd August 2017 10:14 am
And then
at my source
I was lost to your ocean.
Flowing... your endless bounty stole my direction
your depths embraced
your corals welcomed my load
I drowned in your currents.
My hands caressed
your waves
My body plumbed
your deepest sounds
Your pools
Your tides were constant
I sw...
Monday 21st August 2017 10:35 am
All Poems of Shaakiera Schroeder
http://www.poemhunter.com/shaakiera-schroeder/ This page contains the collected works Poems, reflective pieces ,etc by Shaakiera Schroeder (c) Poems are the property of their respective owners. All information has been reproduced here for educational and informational purposes to benefit site visitors, and is provided at no charge
Friday 11th August 2017 7:16 am
The shock was solid as a punch
That left me breathless, faint, unmanned;
So obviously lost that chair and water came
And it was I – so very briefly – nursed
Until my mind began to grasp the truth it had shunned.
How could I not have guessed or known
The woe, the pain, the destruction?
After all these many years, my failure to feel –
My hiding from the very possibility ...
Friday 21st July 2017 12:07 pm
The sound of one hand clapping
Who said that?
But I know what it means, now:
It is the lost beat of one heart loving
Not waving but drowning
I know that one:
Both origin and relevance now:
It is no pleasure, but one soul's need
No man is an island, entire of itself
Sung, used, re-used
The obvious is no less poignant
Now that I've found and lost my land
...Thursday 15th June 2017 4:42 pm
After Ezra Pound and Giacomo Leopardi
And so you were
everything to me, that is now less than dust –
lost, captive of the soil
That surrounds and nourishes my soul.
And so now I –
still stranded, umbral shade of past desire –
left, am guardian of sad recall
watching branch and blo...
Saturday 10th June 2017 5:30 pm
Come on Eileen is not really you
Tell us more Eileen, is probably more true
With a life well lived and tales to tell
Life will be lesser now you're not here for the tell
Not quite a son, but a son-in-law
You once said we're close, we think so alike
You explained that we're both observers of people and life
Maybe sit in the margin to listen and learn
Well I learned from you with your spark...
Friday 19th May 2017 7:45 am
Confessions Of The Broken Hearted
Took you deep inside my tangled body where no ones ever been,
Let you run away when times got thin, and escape when I needed you
Late at night I throw up all the lies you feed me in the day and lay in a puddle of my own stupidity.
Its never been easy, its always been hard, to love you
I love you unconditionally, even when your words show no emotion, and your actions no care, I love you...
Friday 12th May 2017 9:45 pm
Lost Friends
"Like a house of cards,
one blow from caving in..."
I sing heavily alone in our house,
carrying the weight of our dead
friendship in my voice,
hopelessly waiting for a familiar hug,
a touch of warmth to lighten
the evergrowing darkness in my mind.
I can still feel the love in our captured memories,
hear the leaves rustle with a deafening reminder
of the time I forgot how to spe...
Friday 12th May 2017 5:19 am
To Richard
No more confusion, no more pain,
Just a stillness of mind at the ending of time.
Another leaf’s fallen, unseen by the world.
But I watched the fall.
A silent descent,
But I heard the call.
He cried out, there was fear in his voice,
He tried to give comfort now removed of the choice,
Allowed one brief moment to make himself heard,
Just one direction, unable to turn.
Tuesday 9th May 2017 3:00 pm
In those darkest, darkling months
when both belief and hope were lost
when love was stretched taught beyond endurance
when pain and understanding spiralled
There was some doubt of destiny:
could love be snatched away;
and child a mother lose?
A new reality to supplant all we knew
and dreamt.
...Monday 1st May 2017 12:04 pm
Yesterday, the sun shone black upon my soul
Depth's depth deep beneath my heart.
Lumined ne'er by hope
Thoughts sank weighted low
Today, dawn'd, in heaven's mantle rais'd,
Glims golden future in my mind.
Light lightened all by future faith
Heart, mind and soul exalting up
Her voice love levered up, returned it from the depths
Dark voids where happiness was stra...
Monday 24th April 2017 4:54 pm
Since Yesterday
When we were children, if things hurt us we would stop
Pricking fingers on roses, desperate to feel its softness, to smell it
We would be curious and we would get hurt and we would learn a lesson from that
But as I've grown older
I've hurt myself further
I've clung to what we were as if I was gripping a rockface in a heavy storm
sometimes the storm wins
Everytime I ...
Tuesday 18th April 2017 10:10 am
ghost brother
ghost sister
two years before
unable to fight anymore
they gave up their tiny breath
to history
she never spoke of them
in anything but love and memory
of what could have
should have been
never tripping
over regrets
at what came after
my brother
our family
they had names for th...
Wednesday 22nd February 2017 5:01 pm
Dedicated to learning the rules so
he can defend others
He rides his bike on the snowy road
white breath streaming from his nostrils
So much to learn such a high cost
thoughts of comfort at the end
brought warmth to his body
Promised an easy road once
completing his journey
He hits black ice and skids almost falling
he relaxes and goes with the flow
because ...
Wednesday 1st February 2017 6:26 am
I Don't Want to Write Tonight
Nothing will ease this ache,
this pain,
this blank space.
My heart lies torn,
so worn.
Words don't help,
my mind a blur,
my sleepless brain,
my feelings of dismay.
All these things
pull me under,
awaken my thunder.
Alone we wonder
and wander
from one star to another
trying in vain
to illuminate the way
but the pain won't go away
no matter
how we pray.
It all comes...
Friday 20th January 2017 4:49 am
We Were Wallpapers
we were not the flavors
of a beautiful painting,
but rather, the starched sheet
of an endless wallpaper
stranded in a cyclical design
that we drew ourselves,
unable to cling to the walls for a lifetime.
Thursday 19th January 2017 2:37 pm
Brittle banks of ice
Against my taunting toe,
Cracking and seething
To be so uproariously
Against the yellow
Of the setting sun
Through a smog that
Lays thick across the
Jets of black trees
Shoot dark into the sky,
Mimicking the wind
In their jostled, whipped
The wind that churns
The bowing branches
Bites the lobes of
My ears, uncovered an...
Wednesday 18th January 2017 5:48 am
An Everlasting Ache
I had broken the invisible the bridge
That linked you to my soul,
Since the day you pushed me to the ridge
And told me “we wouldn’t last”.
It had been months since I thought of
“You and I” as one.
I was happy, I felt new!
Then I had a dream,
And it pulled me back to you.
You left without saying,
To a land of solitude,
From where uncertain was your return,
You left as you couldn’t bar...
Saturday 14th January 2017 7:31 am
Winter's Wolf
The sharp-toothed skirmisher of January past
passes its knives by her cheeks;
the hillside heralds its shredded brown visage,
winter’s wolf howls the bitter conquest of the moors.
The season of concealing crowns and faces,
of cautious feet across the maze of wilted souls
to reach the lone tree, grey lightning petrified in time.
Frozen into the bark are age and time.
Monday 9th January 2017 4:51 pm
Do you still cry for me,
Like I still weep for you,
Those tears blocking everything you see,
Trying to hide the pain when you meet somebody new,
Is your vision as blurred as mine,
Behind your beautiful eyes,
I’ve been trying to move on now, for such a long time,
But I keep questioning if I gave this love enough tries,
I was hurt,
And I was used,
And now I’m...
Thursday 5th January 2017 9:13 am
Cool Air
Cool air replaces where your hands should be,
Fingers locked on bare skin all over me,
The breeze keeps blowing colder and colder,
As the love between us grows older and older,
Your tongue parted my lips that way,
Your hands grasped desperately to make me stay,
Yet I still drifted endlessly away,
And I kissed someone new today
Monday 2nd January 2017 8:25 am
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