The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Telly belly

The evening wears on

While outside in the garden

Golden leaves cling on

The light is just right

For us to enjoy the night


Cradling a belly of joy

Not a girl or a boy

Crisps, dips and all the chocs

You are mine

A love on the rocks


Binging another show

In the warmth of the TVs glow

Mine is growing

increasing, expanding and showing


My telly bel...

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“Mum, what’s that noise?” asked Johnny Duboise

as he sat on the comfy settee.

“Its your father”, she replied as the dishes she dried,

“say’s he’s trying to set his mind free”.


“By singing a song?” he asked with a grin

as he as he looked for the TV remote.

“He says that he’s chanting” she replied with a smirk,

“sounds to me more like he’s panting!”


“Is he gonna be ...

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chantingmeditationsnoringice creamjellytellyTVhummingmarbles

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