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Nobody seems happy today

Striving struggles to hack it

Your rivals always have more

They revel in a higher bracket


My neighbour has a bigger car

My life's not worth a mention

My wife isn't pretty enough

My dick needs an extension


Do such woes have answers?

How to make the most of living?

Why not abstain from greed

And for a change try giving?


My n...

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givinggreedmortgagesmall merciestreadmill

Our Valued Lawn

You only really win, having lost.

On the front lawn, all is identical until you notice it.

Every other blade you see its 50 shades greener than your own.

Those shades depend on light. Those blades gleam off light refracted.

Who has the light?

Every day you look, you stare, you glare

with a drink, with a book, with a chair, with a care.

Your care, carelessly, mi...

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american dreamegocontrolintentionstechnologyfinancial crisisneighborslonelinessmortgageself-reflectionintrusionconflictlawnlightbladegrasswinlostmisplaced time

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