ugly (Remove filter)
Mirror of perception
'Mirror mirror on the wall,
Who is the ugliest of them all'.
Hearing the answer gotten so sad,
For the looks of it, he was not so bad.
Seeing himself ugly in every face,
But it was just his perception not the case.
Thinking of this day and night,
Forgetting the beauty was not in the face but inside.
Again giving himself a chance, he gathered courage.
Asking one more question, like a sag...
Sunday 30th August 2020 12:56 pm
fall semester
a long silence fills the room---piercing my lonesome ears with pain
i turn
there she is
sad, distant, lonely staring at me dead in the eyes
her mouth opens and screams
no sound comes out.
theres not a way out for her.
i turn back around, taking a deep breath to tiredly dress my face with a sense of geniality. perfect i say to myself.
Monday 13th July 2020 8:12 am
Is There, In Truth, No Beauty
Is There, In Truth, No Beauty
I am the dry path
Sat between
The first rain drops
I am the dandelion
Dancing in a field
Missed by the scythe
I am the spark
That jumps
From flint to straw
I am the breaking wave
Crashing up against
Deserted beaches
I am the words
Caught in the throat
Of dirty liars
I am the light
Friday 20th March 2020 11:28 pm
The truth about...
I heard once that monsters used to live among us.
Can you imagine that?
Eating, sleeping and living just like we do.
But that all changed one day,
I don't know why, but it did.
Now, during the day they can't see us,
and we are tormented by the sight of them,
day and night.
strange, right?
Don't get me wrong, they are interesting creatures,
I just want to know why we m...
Saturday 26th January 2019 6:38 pm
Strange Fruit
Strange Fruit
“what is beautiful?”
asks Eliza
for she thinks
that she is not
because they tell her
she is not
“why are they hurtful?”
as if the outside
somehow sullies
what is inside
and insinuates the sour
to what is sweet
“why do they ridicule?”
the size the shape
the roughness of my skin
the growths
the fact my spine
Is out of...
Monday 4th June 2018 12:36 pm
Beauty and the Beast
Who is to determine ones beauty?
What is Beauty?
Beauty is simple,
Its the DNA used to create a life,
Sometimes beauty is ugly,
And sometimes it is pretty,
By this in no way do I compare to looks,
It's not the shape of your body,
It's not the shape of your nose,
It's not the shape of your smile,
It's not the shape of your eyes,
It's not the color of your hair,
Friday 3rd October 2014 11:18 pm
I'm Not Perfect
I'm Not perfect.
Some say I'm
too ugly.
Some say I'm
too old.
Some say I'm
too reserved.
Some say I'm
to bold.
I am who
I am.
I'm not
fancy or glam.
I'm not perfect.
Friday 12th April 2013 7:00 pm
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