The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Human Wreckage

See their faces so jaded

With all the torturous barking they hear

Over and over and over again

Assaulting their innocent ears

Our mouths keep spitting out poison

There’s bile wrapped in every word

After all these years of affection

How did our love become so absurd?


And I hope, just hope

You sleep sound and safe in your single bed on this night

I kn...

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Their Future Day

Their Future Day


Go on,

Why ever not,

Succumb to the latest passion –

Expose your child to violence!


Go on,

Ask upon these casualties their age,

And when upon reply you see they hide,

Don’t be alarmed at the lie they say

To cover up the hurt!


Five, maybe Six years old

They say behind the tears,

Yet for all their fears,

They k...

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Daddy's Poem by unknown poet

Daddy's Poem

Her hair was up in a pony tail, 
Her favourite dress tied with a bow. 
Today was Daddy's Day at school, 
And she couldn't wait to go. 

But her Mummy tried to tell her, 
That she probably should stay home. 
Why the kids might not understand, 
If she went to school alone. 

But she was not afraid; 
She knew just what to say. 

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