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finding yourself (Remove filter)


Walking aimlessly

Towards some places unknown

'Til I'm home at last

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lostfinding yourselflife purposehaiku

Pick One


reason vaporizes
like a spring frost,
and we must find accounts

but if we do a deliberate search
for the dense Forget-me-not,
its purple presence
shows us

see ten-thousand suns staring up
from verdant grass-
hazard a gatherer's angry buzz,

--pick one
its scent powders your nose
with stardust
sharp as a lion's tooth

the bouquet of our beginnings
cracks us up wit...

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inner childinner lightlost voicesfinding yourself

Finding You

THE hardest thing to do,

Is find the real you.

Your rawest and purest form,

That in the coldest of days can make you feel warm.

But first, there are events you must go through. 

SOMETIMES we adopt the persona of celebrity idols,

Or become obsessed with higher social class titles.

Lose ourselves in social media networks,

Endulge ourselves in the latest trending quirks.


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finding yourselfmy personality

Just a teenager

Grind it
Pack it
Light it
Inhale it
Exhale it
And just like that
I feel lighter, calmer, happier
Even though, I am technically a criminal
But in reality, I am just a teenager
I’m just a teenager that needs a break from the
mental health issues that seem to rattle around 
my overcrowded skull




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decrimilizefinding yourselfmedicationteenagersweed

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