The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

day 20 (Remove filter)

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This Machine Kills Fascists

This Machine Kills Fascists


He was the dust bowl troubadour

A Socialist down to the core

Resist the rich protect the poor

This machine Kills Fascists


Dylan, Ochs and Johnny Cash

Seeger, Strummer, Billy Bragg

All of them would raise his flag

This Machine Kills Fascists


He plied his trade on Texas streets

Busking to earn some money to eat

Harmonica blu...

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napowrimo2018day 20rebelwoody guthrieguitarfolksocialistactivist






He did everything backards-road round

Put on his coit

And pulled his hat on his eead

Washed his face wi’a wet dish-claht


And I’m like Whatever


Kids were art laiking

Mucking abart

Ran off darn a ginnel


Roobub pie

Waiting back at home


Some spice afore then

A ha’porth’a Spanish

Wash it darn

Wi’a sup er watter



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NaPoWriMo 2019day 20poem that talksspoken languagedialectyorkshirechat

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