The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

Feeling down (Remove filter)

The Devil On My Right Shoulder

The Devil On My Right Shoulder


it might be snowing outside

if I could be bothered

a girl with red lipstick

could be kissing my cheek

the sky could be filled

with ants on the wing

silver fish

darting in foam

at the foot of a black mountain

we could be counting stars

riding a Ferris wheel

licking sweat

from thighs of gold

the days could last

for week...

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writers blockfeeling downprocrastinationlack of imaginationwasting time


Sadness is tears after losing a game or a broken bone, depression is sobs at 3 in the morning when you're all alone. Sadness makes you blue, depression makes you numb. Sadness loses to happy, depression loses to none. Sadness says, "I love you, hold me", depression screams, "I love you, go away!". Sadness is only fleeting, depression brings its bags to stay. Sadness is the curious neighbor, depres...

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DepressiondrowningFeeling downHopelessSadeness

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